- Grayson has a peculiar reaction when he gets overly excited. He clenches his fists, tenses his whole body, and sort of leans forward with his mouth open. We refer to these episodes as "excitement seizures." It's like he gets so excited that his body just shuts down and can't do anything but tense up.
- Living with two year olds means there is never a shortage of interesting conversations. Submitted without comment (these are separate conversations):
Grayson (while sitting on the potty chair): "What's that?"
Me: "That's your penis."
Grayson: "Oh, I don't want that to fall off."
Me: "You're absolutely right."
Grayson: "You have one, too."
Me: "Yup, sure do."
Grayson: "You don't want that to fall off either."
Me: "........."
Avery (holding her doll, Amy): "Where's Amy?"
Me: "You're holding her."
Avery: "Oh. What are you doing?"
Me: "I'm cooking supper."
Avery: "Oh. Where's Amy?
Me: "She's right there, in your hand."
Avery: "Oh. What are you doing?"
Me: "Cooking."
Avery: "Oh. Where's Amy?"
Me: "...incoherent mumbling..."
- We were eating supper the other night, and Grayson started smearing soup all over his face with his spoon. Grandma Jody asked him why he was doing that. His response: "Because my ears don't work."
- Grayson can go from playing quietly ans sharing with his sister to trashing the basement like Godzilla through Tokyo in a matter of seconds. It's like he temporarily loses his mind. The Y chromosome is a fickle beast.
- I remember back to before I had children, and I remember going to visit friends who had kids. I remember seeing their yards strewn with toys and thinking that they must either be lazy or just not care what their yards looked like. Boy was I a fool. On a good day, my yard looks like a used-toy junkyard, and on a bad day, it looks like a toy eating giant barfed all over the yard.
- Here is a picture of him using his sword. Notice how his arm is twisted through his shirt in an odd way. If you should ever encounter him like this in the wild, it's best if you let him go on his way. It's usually a good indicator that he's about to enter "Godzilla" mode or "take off your pants and roar like a lion" mode.
- Miss Avery recently learned to sing her ABCs. She does a great job, for the most part, but struggles with the LMNOP in the middle. When she sings it, it sort of sounds like sh has a mouthful of oatmeal and doesn't want to let any fall out.
- Avery also loves to sing along with songs and prayers, but she isn't always sure of the right words. Instead, she sort of mumbles random sounds until she comes to a part she knows. It reminds me of drunk people singing along with "We didn't start the fire" or "It's the end of the world as we know it."
- At the end of the day, one thing is certain. Two year olds make the best snuggle partners.