Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Random Thoughts #10

- I have made two attempts at clipping my children's fingernails. The first ended in uncontrollable screaming (hers, not mine) after one nail. The second ended with blood and some missing skin on Grayson's left thumb. Never again.

- The other night, just to remind everyone who is really in charge, Avery woke up at 11:30, 12:15, 1:30, and 4:00. I really need to stop telling everyone she sleeps through the night. She has ways of finding things out and making me pay.

- Grayson has some sharp little fingernails, and he is not even the least bit choosy about what he sinks them into. He has made me yelp several times. I had to stifle the urge to pinch him back.

- Sometimes, as a parent, all you want in the entire world is for your child(ren) to take a nap. The more you wish for it, the harder it is to get them to sleep. You wrap them up, they cry. You walk them around, they cry harder. You rock them, they scream. Finally, after thirty minutes of grinding your teeth and stifling curse words, they fall asleep in your arms. With the utmost care, you place them gently in their bed, and...the devious little turds pop awake and smile at you, like the whole thing was a big joke.

- In the dark while mostly asleep, I can get out of bed, walk to the nursery, put a pacifier in a baby's mouth, proceed downstairs and make a bottle, and feed said baby, all without stumbling or making a peep. In broad daylight, while wide awake, I have been known to misjudge the number of steps in my own home and fall both up and down the stairs.

- The twins' saliva is like a cross between silicon caulk, spiderwebs, spit, and bubble gum. It's sticky, stretchy, and liquid all at the same time.

- Our babies have discovered methods of communication beyond laughing and crying. Grayson has sort of a high-pitched scream, although I'm not sure that description can do it justice. It's like a horror movie scream, only it has a pitch just below dog-whistle level. It literally hurts my ears sometimes. Avery's scream could be likened to that of a pterodactyl. Not quite as high pitched as her brothers, but just as spine-chilling at full volume.

- WHY IN THE NAME OF EVERYTHING HOLY DO YOU KEEP PULLING THAT PACIFIER OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!?!?!?!? Just leave it in there. It'll make us both happier in the long run, I promise.

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