Dear Grayson,
I hope this letter finds you cheerful. You were a bit mad at me this morning when I had the unbelievable nerve to change your sopping diaper before feeding you. My deepest apologies for that. I am writing this letter to let you know some of the things I am looking forward to in our father-son relationship.
As I have chronicled in great detail, I am a big fan of your farts. I can't wait until you are old enough to appreciate their humor along with me. A man should not be the only one in the room laughing at a fart, unless of course he is the only one in the room. I also look forward to discussing your poops with you, rather than cleaning them up.
As an avid sports enthusiast, there are some things I feel I have an obligation to teach you. The first is how to throw a ball (baseball, football, dodgeball, etc...). Kicking a ball is also essential. If your're going to be throwing and kicking projectiles, it would also be wise to learn how to catch said projectiles. I'd like to teach you how to swing a baseball bat, and a golf club as well (this one may have to be subcontracted out to someone else, my golf swing is a mess). And last, but certainly not least, I can't wait to teach you to shoot a blast double and how to crank over a tight arm bar.
Since we live in South Dakota, it is only appropriate that a father teaches his son the fine art of winter entertainment. Snowballs, snow forts, snowmen, and other snow-based objects will be a staple at the Smith house. Just don't hit your sister in the face with a snowball. Sledding is also a must. I can only hope that the huge pile of dirt in our back yard remains there long enough to send you hurtling down it on a thin piece of plastic.
I hope we share some of the same interests. I hope you love Stephen King novels as much as I do, although I think we'll wait a while before introducing those. I'd like to take you to the gym, although we tried that the other day and it did not work out all. Hunting and fishing are on the list as well, and I am quite interested to see how you react to gutting a fish or cleaning a pheasant. Most of all, I hope you are as devoted and interested in your family as I am.
To save time and space, here are a few others that come to mind: how to tie a tie (we are a Full Windsor family); changing a tire; shaving; driving a stick shift; putting up a tent; carving a turkey; grilling; riding a bike; parallel parking; being respectful and using manners; shaking hands; loving the Florida State Seminoles and San Francisco Giants (I thought about adding the Cowboys to this list, but I don't know if I want my child to go through that pain and misery); rooting against the Vikings, Dodgers, and Cornhuskers; and a thousand other things I can't think of right now.
I love you and your sister more than words can describe, and I just want you to know how thankful I am that I get to be a part of your lives.
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