- No matter what kind of day I'm having, or how fussy the kids have been, seeing them smile like this absolutely makes my day.
- Beware of these smiles, they are used to divert attention away from smelly diapers and plots to undermine your sanity.
- I have rapidly changed sides from the "I can't believe you just set your baby in front of the TV" group to the "anything to keep them entertained that doesn't require effort from me" group.
- Last night one of the babies farted so loud it made both of them cry. It's nice to know I'm not the only one whose farts cause crying.
- Avery rolled over for the first time on Father's Day. Of course she decided to do it while sleeping alone at Grandma's house, so no one got to see it.
- Having people wish me a happy Father's Day feels very weird. The whole day I felt like I sneaked into a party I wasn't supposed to be at.
- The babies have started wearing actual outfits rather than sleepers every day. If I had my way, they would wear sleepers until they were old enough to choose their own clothes and dress themselves.
- This change in wardrobe happens right when I am starting to get very good at those stupid little snaps on their sleepers.
- It absolutely amazes me to see the changes that these babies go through on a daily basis. It's hard to believe they are almost three months old already. I can't wait to see what fatherhood has in store for me next.
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