- When both twins wake up in the morning at the same time, our house resembles a circus, complete with screaming/crying/laughing children, the smell of poop, flashing lights, music only children can enjoy, animals (our dog Bailey), and a balancing act (performed by me). I guess you could say I am the ringmaster of this madness.
- The best way I have found to soothe Avery when she is crying is to pick her up and walk laps around our main floor. The loop is so short that if I look down while I'm walking, I get dizzy. This is not a good thing to have happen while walking with an infant.
- Avery also likes to eat while I am walking her around. I am wearing a trail in the carpet.
- While walking, I did some calculations. Each lap is about 40 feet long, which means 132 laps = 1 mile. My average pace is about 5 laps per minute, which would mean I walk a mile every 26 minutes or so. Each feeding/therapy session/walking lullaby takes about 15-20 minutes, and I do it at least 4 times a day. That puts me between 2 - 3 miles a day...in my living room.
- I apologize for all that math, it won't happen again.
- The other morning my two babies were like dueling banjo players, only instead of banjos they were farting back and forth. I could not have been more proud.
- Recently the babies began sleeping through the night regularly. I can not tell you how happy this made me.
- Grayson lets out random grunts/yells in his sleep. I'd like to think he's dreaming of something manly...like wrestling alligators. It's much more likely he's either pooping or dreaming of pooping.
- Avery recently let me know how she was feeling through the use of sign language. She might be a prodigy:
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